Security Screening for Visitors with Disabilities, Medical Conditions, Medical Devices, or Medications

  • Officers may not request or require visitors to remove, test, or disable any medical device that is attached to the visitor.
  • Only a visitor, or a companion, may disconnect medical equipment from the visitor ahead of security screening.
  • Visitors with medical devices who need assistance with the screening process may have a companion provide assistance; however, the companion must be screened first.

Pregnant Visitors

  • Visitors who are pregnant may opt to be screened by a full body pat-down, instead of the walk-through magnetometer or enhanced screening portal. Medical documentation is not required.

Pacemakers, Defibrillators and Other Implanted Medical Devices

  • Congressional employees and visitors with medical documentation that state that he/she has a pacemaker, defibrillator, or other implanted medical device and are exempt from walk-through magnetometer screening may opt to be screened with the hand-held magnetometer or by a full body pat down in lieu of the walk-through magnetometer. This exemption does not apply for enhanced screening portals.
  • An individual who states they have a metal implant are required to pass through the walk-through magnetometer.

Medical Oxygen or Respiratory-Related Equipment

  • Medical oxygen and respiratory-related equipment will be x-rayed, if possible, or physically inspected.

Diabetes-Related Supplies or Other Exterior Attached Medical Devices

  • Visitors with surgically implanted insulin pumps/sensors or other exterior attached medical devices will use the walk-through magnetometer.
  • If a visitor has medical documentation, they may opt to be screened with the hand-held magnetometer or by a full-body pat down in lieu of the walk-through magnetometer.
  • Diabetes-related supplies and equipment will be x-rayed or physically inspected, and screened with an explosive trace detector.


  • If a visitor is able to walk, they may use the walk-through magnetometer.
  • If a visitor can stand, but not walk, the visitor will be screened with the hand-held magnetometer, away from the wheelchair.
  • If the visitor cannot stand or walk through the magnetometer, the visitor may be screened in the wheelchair with a hand-held magnetometer.
  • There will also be a physical inspection of the wheelchair, to include

all packages that are attached to wheelchair. Those packages could be removed and put through the x-ray machine. (Exception – augmentation devices are not required to be removed from the wheelchair, but will be physically inspected and screened with an explosive trace detector.

  • Electric Personal Assistance Mobility Devices (EPAMD) will be physically inspected, x-rayed, and/or screened with an explosive trace detector. Packages attached to the EPAMD could be removed and put into the x-ray machine.

Walkers, Crutches, and Canes

  • If a visitor can briefly walk without the assistance of their walkers, crutches, or canes, the devices should be x-rayed. Collapsible canes should be collapsed before they are placed on the x-ray belt. (Exception – visually impaired visitors will have their canes physically inspected so they may guide themselves through the walk-through magnetometer).
  • Attached baskets or bags must be x-rayed.

Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing

  • Visitors who are deaf or hard-of-hearing do not have to remove their hearing aids or related devices, however the officers may do a visual inspection.
  • A companion may assist a visitor with communication regarding the screening process.

Prosthetic Devices, Casts, or Body Braces

  • Visitors with prosthetic devices, casts, or body braces will not be required to remove them, however officers will perform a physical inspection of the prosthetic device, cast, or body brace.

Orthopedic Shoes or Support Appliances

  • Visitors will use the walk-through magnetometer.

Medical Dressings

  • Visitors will not be required to remove a medical dressing, but a pat-down may be necessary if an alarm goes off from the magnetometer.

Medication and Supplies

  • Medication and supplies will be x-rayed or physically inspected.